Through a story-based narrative and interactive exercises, students act as the Mayor of Townville and need to quickly learn to make real-life decisions about their personal finances, as well as how to achieve important goals around saving money, budgeting, education, and career planning.

Curriculum Fit: Economics, Business or Social Studies, Career Readiness
Available in English and Spanish
A helpful resource for breaking down economic concepts, SmartEconomics empowers students to analyze the economy and identify factors that impact the price of consumer goods. Through a story-based narrative and interactive exercises, students learn to make real-life decisions that require the understanding of key economic concepts.

Curriculum Fit: Economics, Business or Social Studies, and Career Readiness
Available in English and Spanish
Why learn about financial education?
By the time adolescents reach middle school, they are able to understand complex economic concepts. Yet the majority of today’s students are not receiving the personal finance education they need to navigate the modern financial world.
The MassMutual Foundation is confident that financial education is the key to increasing financial literacy. In fact, a two-year study concluded that 90% of students taking FutureSmart experienced a significant increase in knowledge gain.
Through our partnership with EVERFI, a leading social impact education innovator, we will reach nearly six million students by 2025.
Give your students access to resources that will build their confidence around financial capability.
Bring the FutureSmart lessons to life at home
Whether at home or on the go, students can use these interactive resources to practice their lessons and reinforce the knowledge they gained in the FutureSmart course.

Companion mobile app
Students have access to a mobile app that extends important lessons from the course into their everyday lives through a fun financial literacy game. This simulation-based experience takes students through the financial decisions they’ll face over the course of their lives and models positive financial behaviors along the way.
The FutureSmart app is available in English and Spanish.